Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to Say Nothing in 500 Words

In this piece, Paul Roberts made several valid points in which I would agree can be helpful to use when it comes to writing.  He was definitely right on target when he mentioned how teenagers have a way of procrastinating when it comes to schoolwork.  I can admit that procrastination is one of my worst habits, especially when it comes to homework.  I usually have the tendency to leave everything until last minute and try to cram in all the work before the deadline.  Avoiding the obvious content is a useful technique because instead of using general ideas that come to everyone’s mind, using your own ideas can make your paper more interesting.  I do not agree with Roberts point about possibly receiving a “C” or “D” depending on when the teacher reads your paper, and how many times he has read the same argument.  Just because you have similar opinions to your classmates on a certain subject, should not determine whether you receive a low grade or not.  I believe the use of “Colorful Words” does add some style and flavor to your paper.  Simply by using the word “obnoxiously” instead of “loudly”, can give more detail to your writing.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed when you said you agreed with the procrastination comment because that's the exact same thing that I said in my blog post. I thought he was so accurate when describing the life of teenagers and papers. I thought you made a valid point when you talked about the C and D. I agree with you when you said just because you have the same viewpoint as others you will get a lower grade. I also agreed with you when you talked about word choice because obviously word choice is key and depending on how you portray your writing is the way your audience is going to view you as a writer!
