Monday, October 3, 2011

Horrible Jobs & Bosses!

As soon as I got to the second page of this passage it immediately reminded me of my previous nightmare of a job.  I worked at a hole in the wall pizza place called La Bella back in New Jersey for a short, but what seemed like a very long five months.  Barbara Ehrenreich talks about when an employee is assigned a certain chore, they try to complete it as slow as physically possible so that way it looks as if you are constantly doing something.  This was always the case with me when I was at work.  If for just one moment my boss caught me standing around, on my phone, or just zoning out, he would immediately assign me another tedious chore.  I would make sure to drag each task out in order to keep busy and pass the time faster.  She also mentions how managers are allowed to sit around for however long they want to and drug/alcohol issues occur within her workplace.  My manager would sit around while frequently getting drunk at work.  This occurred until there was an issue with him harassing a waitress and she threatened to press charges against him. He was “overly friendly” AKA creepy, and unprofessional, which is why I usually did my chores half-ass.  I did not care about busting my ass for a drunken, disgusting boss who just wanted to watch girls do work for him.  After all I only got 3 dollars an hour plus tips, which was way too low for all the work I was doing.  Also, the waitresses who smoked cigarettes were the only ones “entitled” to a break.  I do not smoke them, so always got stuck by myself at the front of the store balancing the register and waitressing the tables in the back.  The happiest of my days at La Bella was when I put my 2 weeks in.  In my opinion all restaurants have their behind the scene secrets.  This piece of writing really illustrates just how awful and shocking these secrets can be. 

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Lauren had a rougher time at her pizza place than I did. I saw all the similarities between this story and my own and I agree with Lauren saying that every store does have a behind the scenes story. Sadly for he, she had managers who were ridiculous and creepy, whereas mine were on a completely different end of the spectrum. Jobs like hers must really make her not want to work at any restaurants ever again, and I'm sure many places will regret having an alienated and disgruntled employee not around to work for them anymore.
