Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Food Product Design

I found it interesting that the aroma of a food can be responsible for as much of 90 percent of its flavor.  I can see the truth in this because I am a very picky eater, and I do not eat certain foods because I do not like the smell of them.  I can’t stand the smell of hot dogs or meatballs; therefore I have never even tried them and do not plan on it anytime soon.  This piece mentions how children can learn to enjoy specific types of food depending on what the people around them eat.  In my case, this is not true because no one else in my family is picky like I am.  Another thing I found interesting is that food coloring serves the same purpose as makeup such as lipstick and mascara.  I never would have guessed that food coloring is often made from the same pigments as makeup.  Before reading this passage, I had no idea about some of the odd ingredients that are a part of food processing.  Smelling a grilled hamburger on a fragrance testing filter is something I didn’t know was possible.  Besides the few interesting facts I mentioned above, this passage came off as pretty boring to me.  I eat what I want, no matter if it’s healthy or not.  Therefore I am not too interested in how each and every type of food is made.

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